Source code for measurements.template

# Imports 
import numpy as np #Necessary for returning nan values

[docs]class Measurement: def __init__(self, logger, config, instrument): #Initialize measurement (DON'T CHANGE ARGUMENTS) # Necessary parameters = 'Name of measurement' # Name of measurement self.nparams = ['n_cycles'] # List of necessary parameters self.headers = ['Example header'] # List of headers for table and xlsx file self.params = dict(config.items()) # Retrieve list of parameters from config file self.vals = ['Example value'] # List of values that vary in each measurement # End of necessary parameters self.set_plot_parameters() # Set plot parameters self.initialize_instrument(logger, instrument) # Initialize instrument
[docs] def set_plot_parameters(self, cycle_type): # Set plot parameters self.plot_grid = (1, 1) # Set plot grid (rows, columns) self.plot_titles = [['Example plot title']] # List of plot titles (each list is a row) self.plot_labels = [[['Example x label', 'Example y label']]] # List of plot labels (each list is a row, and each plot requires a list with x and y labels) self.plot_clear = [[True]] # List of plot clear flags (each list is a row, and each plot requires a boolean value)
[docs] def initialize_instrument(self, logger, instrument): # Use this function to initialize the instrument and set its initial parameters, this function is called only once logger.debug('Setting instrument initial parameters') instrument.reset(logger) instrument.write(logger, 'INIT:IMM') logger.debug('Instrument parameters set!')
[docs] def measure_val(self, logger, instrument, val): # Use this function to measure a single value from the vals list # This function is called for each value in the vals list # The function should return a list with the results of the measurement and a list with the results of the plots # The results of the measurement should be a list of values equal to the specified headers # Do something # Return results result = ['Example value'] # List of results of the measurement result_plots = [[['Example x value', 'Example y value']]] # List of results of the plots (each list is a row, and each plot requires a list with x and y values) return [result, result_plots] # Return results, don't change this line