Source code for measurements.sweepVI

# Measurement class for sweeping voltages and measuring voltage
import time
import numpy as np

[docs]def create_list(logger, cycle, max_val, min_val, step): """ Create a list of values based on the specified cycle type and parameters. Args: logger (logging.Logger): The logger object to use for logging messages. cycle (str): The cycle type. Valid values are '+', '-', '+-', '-+'. max_val (float): The maximum value for the list. min_val (float): The minimum value for the list. step (float): The step size between consecutive values. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The generated list of values, rounded to 5 decimal places. Raises: ValueError: If the cycle type is invalid. """ list_positive = np.concatenate((np.arange(0, max_val, step), [max_val], np.flip(np.arange(0, max_val, step)))) list_negative = np.concatenate((np.arange(0, min_val, -step), [min_val], np.flip(np.arange(0, min_val, -step)))) try: match cycle: case '+': return list_positive case '-': return list_negative case '+-': return np.concatenate((list_positive, list_negative)) case '-+': return np.concatenate((list_negative, list_positive)) except: logger.critical('Invalid cycle type!') quit()
[docs]class Measurement: def __init__(self, logger, config, instrument): """ Initialize the Measurement class. Args: logger (logging.Logger): Logger to use for logging messages. config (dict): Dictionary containing configuration parameters. instrument (Instrument): Instrument object to use for measurement. """ = 'sweepVI' self.nparams = ['cycle', 'n_cycles', 'i+', 'i-', 'i_step', 'vcplc+','vcplc-', 't_sweep', 'nplc'] self.headers = ['Current [A]', 'Voltage [V]', 'Resistance [Ω]', 'Timer [s]', 'Datetime'] self.params = dict(config.items()) self.vals = create_list( logger, self.params.get('cycle'), self.params.get('i+'), self.params.get('i-'), self.params.get('i_step') ) self.set_plot_parameters(self.params.get('cycle')) self.initialize_instrument(logger, instrument)
[docs] def set_plot_parameters(self, cycle_type): """ Set parameters for the plot based on the type of cycle. Args: cycle_type (str): Type of the cycle which could be '1' or '2'. """ match len(cycle_type): case 1: self.plot_grid = (2, 2) self.plot_titles = [[f'Cycle V-I {cycle_type}', 'Resistance vs Time'], ['Resistance vs Voltage', 'Current vs Time']] self.plot_labels = [ [['Current [A]','Voltage [V]'], ['Time [s]', 'Resistance [Ω]']], [['Current [A]', 'Resistance [Ω]'], ['Time [s]', 'Current [A]']]] self.plot_clear = [[True, False], [True, False]] case 2: self.plot_grid = (2, 3) self.plot_titles = [['Cycle V-I +', 'Cycle V-I -', 'Resistance vs Time'], ['Resistance vs Current +', 'Resistance vs Current -', 'Current vs Time']] self.plot_labels = [ [['Current [A]','Voltage [V]'], [ 'Current [A]', 'Voltage [V]'], ['Time [s]', 'Resistance [Ω]']], [['Current [A]', 'Resistance [Ω]'], ['Current[A]', 'Resistance [Ω]'], ['Time [s]', 'Current [A]']]] self.plot_clear = [[True, True, False], [True, True, False]]
[docs] def initialize_instrument(self, logger, instrument): """ Initialize the instrument with initial parameters. Args: logger (logging.Logger): Logger to use for logging messages. instrument (Instrument): Instrument object to use for setting parameters. """ logger.debug('Setting instrument initial parameters') instrument.reset(logger) instrument.set_mode_fixed(logger, func="Current") instrument.set_src_func(logger, func="Current") instrument.set_sense_func(logger, func="Current") instrument.set_func_range(logger, func="Current") instrument.set_func_nplc(logger, func="Current", value=self.params.get('nplc')) instrument.set_sense_func(logger, func="Voltage") instrument.set_func_range(logger, func="Voltage") logger.debug('Instrument parameters set!')
[docs] def measure_val(self, logger, instrument, val): """ Measure the output for a given current and return the result along with the plots. Args: logger (logging.Logger): Logger to use for logging messages. instrument (Instrument): Instrument object to use for measurement. val (float): The current value to measure. Returns: list: A list containing the result of measurement and the plots. """ if val>0: instrument.set_func_cplc(logger, func="Voltage", value=self.params.get('vcplc+')) else: instrument.set_func_cplc(logger, func="Voltage", value=self.params.get('vcplc-')) instrument.set_output_value(logger, "Current", val) result_sweep = time.sleep(self.params.get('t_sweep')) result = [ val, #Current [0] result_sweep[0], #Voltage [1] result_sweep[0]/val, #Resistance [2] result_sweep[3], #Timer [3] time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) #Datetime [4] ] match len(self.params.get('cycle')): case 1: result_plots = [ [[result[0], result[1]], # [Current, Voltage] Cycle V-I [result[3], result[2]]], # [Timer, Resistance] Resistance vs Time [[result[0], result[2]], # [Current, Resistance] Resistance vs Voltage [result[3], result[0]]] # [Timer, Current] Current vs Time ] case 2: if val >= 0: result_plots = [ [[result[0], result[1]], # [Current, Voltage] Cycle V-I + [np.nan, np.nan], # [NaN, NaN] Cycle V-I - [result[3], result[2]]], # [Time, Resistance] Resistance vs Time [[result[0], result[2]], # [Current, Resistance] Resistance vs Current + [np.nan, np.nan], # [NaN, NaN] Resistance vs Current - [result[3], result[0]]] # [Time, Current] Current vs Time ] else: result_plots = [ [[np.nan, np.nan], # [NaN, NaN] Cycle V-I + [result[0], result[1]], # [Current, Voltage] Cycle V-I - [result[3], result[2]]], # [Time, Resistance] Resistance vs Time [[np.nan, np.nan], # [NaN, NaN] Resistance vs Current + [result[0], result[2]], # [Current, Resistance] Resistance vs Current - [result[3], result[0]]] # [Time, Current] Current vs Time ] return [result, result_plots]