Source code for instruments.keithley_2401

import pyvisa

[docs]class Instrument: """ A class used to represent and control an instrument. ... Attributes ---------- rm : ResourceManager a pyvisa ResourceManager object inst : object the instrument object Methods ------- close(logger) Closes the instrument. init(logger) Initializes the instrument. reset(logger) Resets the instrument. write(logger, command) Sends a command to the instrument. query(logger, command) Sends a command and receives a response from the instrument. set_output_state(logger, state) Sets the output state of the instrument. set_output_value(logger, func, value) Sets the output value of the instrument. get_output_value(logger, func) Measures the output value from the instrument. fetch(logger) Fetches data from the instrument. read(logger) Reads data from the instrument. get_timer(logger) Gets the timer value of the instrument. reset_timer(logger) Resets the instrument's timer. set_mode_fixed(logger, func) Sets the instrument's measurement mode to fixed. set_src_func(logger, func) Sets the source function of the instrument. set_func_range(logger, func, range=':AUTO ON') Sets the range of the instrument. set_func_step(logger, func, step) Sets the step value of the instrument. set_sense_func(logger, func) Sets the sense function of the instrument. set_func_cplc(logger, func, value) Sets the compliance of the instrument. set_func_nplc(logger, func, value) Sets the integration time of the instrument. """ def __init__ (self, logger, config): """ Opens instrument by creating a ResourceManager and using it to open the resource specified in the config. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages config : dict a dictionary containing the configuration of the instrument """ logger.debug('Initializing instrument...') try: logger.debug('Looking for instrument...') self.rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager() self.inst = self.rm.open_resource(config.get('instrument').get('address')) logger.debug(f'{config.get("instrument").get("model")} found at {config.get("instrument").get("address")}')'Instrument successfully initialized!') except: logger.critical('Instrument not found!') quit()
[docs] def close(self, logger): """ Closes instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: self.inst.close() logger.debug('Instrument closed') except: logger.critical('Instrument could not be closed! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def init(self,logger): """ Initializes instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: self.inst.write('INIT') logger.debug('Instrument initialized') except: logger.critical('Instrument could not be initialized! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def reset(self, logger): """ Resets instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: self.inst.write('*RST') logger.debug('GPIB defaults reseted') except: logger.critical('GPIB defaults could not reseted! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def write(self, logger, command): """ Writes command to instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages command : str the command to be written to the instrument """ try: self.inst.write(command) logger.debug(f'Instrument command: {command}') except: print('Instrument could not be written! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def query(self, logger, command): """ Queries instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages command : str the command to be queried from the instrument """ try: query = self.inst.query(command) logger.debug(f'Instrument query: {query}') return query except: print('Instrument could not be queried! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_output_state(self, logger, state): """ Sets output state of the instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages state : str the state to be set on the instrument (ON/OFF) """ try: match state: case 'ON': self.inst.write('OUTP ON') case 'OFF': self.inst.write('OUTP OFF') logger.debug(f'Instrument output set to {state}') except: logger.critical('Instrument output could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_output_value(self, logger, func, value): """ Sets output value of voltage or current. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage) value : float the value to be set on the instrument """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:CURR:LEV {value}') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:VOLT:LEV {value}') logger.debug(f'Instrument value set to {value}') except: logger.critical('Instrument value could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def get_output_value(self, logger, func): """ Measures output value of voltage, current or resistance. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage/Resistance) """ #try: match func: case 'Current': out = self.inst.query('MEAS:CURR?').split(',')[1] case 'Voltage': out = self.inst.query('MEAS:VOLT?').split(',')[0] case 'Resistance': out = self.inst.query('MEAS:RES?').split(',')[2]
#except: # logger.critical('Instrument value could not be measured! Check connection!') # quit()
[docs] def fetch(self, logger): """ Fetches instrument and returns list of values. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: list_query = self.inst.query('FETC?')[:-1].split(',') logger.debug(f'Instrument fetch: {list_query}') listd_return = [] for val in list_query: listd_return.append(float(val)) return listd_return except: print('Instrument could not be fetched! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def read(self, logger): """ Reads instrument and returns list of values. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: list_query = self.inst.query('READ?')[:-1].split(',') logger.debug(f'Instrument read: {list_query}') listd_return = [] for val in list_query: listd_return.append(float(val)) return listd_return except: print('Instrument could not be read! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def get_timer(self,logger): """ Returns timer value of the instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: timer = self.inst.query(':SYST:TIME?') return float(timer) except: logger.critical('Instrument timer could not be read! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def reset_timer(self, logger): """ Resets timer of the instrument. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages """ try: self.inst.write(':SYST:TIME:RES') logger.debug('Instrument timer reseted') except: logger.critical('Instrument timer could not be reseted! Check connection!') quit()
#Measurement mode commands ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_mode_fixed(self, logger , func): """ Sets measurement mode to fixed for the given function. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage) """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write('SOUR:CURR:MODE FIXED') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write('SOUR:VOLT:MODE FIXED') logger.debug('Instrument measurement mode set to fixed') except: logger.critical('Instrument measurement mode could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
#Measurement function commands -------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_src_func(self, logger, func): """ Sets source function of voltage or current. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage) """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write('SOUR:FUNC CURR') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write('SOUR:FUNC VOLT') logger.debug(f'Instrument source function set to {func}') except: logger.critical('Instrument source function could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_func_range(self, logger, func, range=':AUTO ON'): """ Sets range of voltage, current, or resistance. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage/Resistance) range : str the range to be set on the instrument (default is ':AUTO ON') """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:CURR:RANG{range}') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:VOLT:RANG{range}') case 'Resistance': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:RES:RANG{range}') logger.debug(f'Instrument range set to {range}') except: logger.critical('Instrument range could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_func_step(self, logger, func, step): """ Sets step for the given function. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage) step : float the step value to be set on the instrument """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:CURR:STEP {step}') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write(f'SOUR:VOLT:STEP {step}') logger.debug(f'Instrument step set to {step}') except: logger.critical('Instrument step could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_sense_func(self, logger, func): """ Sets sense function of voltage, current or resistance. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the sense function of the instrument (Current/Voltage/Resistance) """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write('SENS:FUNC "CURR"') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write('SENS:FUNC "VOLT"') case 'Resistance': self.inst.write('SENS:FUNC "RES"') logger.debug(f'Instrument sense function set to {func}') except: logger.critical('Instrument sense function could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_func_cplc(self, logger, func, value): """ Sets compliance of voltage or current. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (Current/Voltage) value : float the compliance value to be set on the instrument """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write(f'SENS:CURR:PROT {value}') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write(f'SENS:VOLT:PROT {value}') logger.debug(f'Instrument compliance set to {value}') except: logger.critical('Instrument compliance could not be set! Check connection!') quit()
[docs] def set_func_nplc(self, logger, func, value): """ Sets integration time for current or voltage. Parameters ---------- logger : Logger the Logger object for logging debug and error messages func : str the function of the instrument (current or voltage) value : float the value to set the integration time to """ try: match func: case 'Current': self.inst.write(f'SENS:CURR:NPLC {value}') case 'Voltage': self.inst.write(f'SENS:VOLT:NPLC {value}') logger.debug(f'Instrument integration time set to {value}') except: logger.critical('Instrument integration time could not be set! Check connection!') quit()